Friday, April 27, 2012

School uniforms

sources - students, teachers, parents
1. What is your name ?
2.  How do you feel about the new uniform policy ?
3.  What grade are you in ?
4. What color uniforms do you prefer ?
5. Will behaviour change due to the uniforms ?
6. Do teachers have to be in dress code as well ?
7. What lead to the uniform policy ?
8. How will parents react to the new policy ?
9. Do you prefer uniform or no uniform ?
10. Will this policy change students academically ?
11. What are the punishments for not being in dress code ?
12. What do students think of this ?
13. Did students and parents have an opinion in this ?
14. Did you get to vote ?
15. Will students protest against it ?
16. Does the uniform policy restrict to dress unique ?
17. Do shoes and accesorries have restrictions too ?
18. On special occassions will you still have to be in dress code ?
19. What color uniform can you wear ?
20. What is the uniform policy ? what can you wear ?

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