Thursday, March 22, 2012

Japanese earthquake

Japan tsunami picture: aftermath in March 2011
This picture makes me feel sad and horrified because a earthquake caused all this, it broke down everything and people lost all they had. You can see rules of thirds by the smoke. they avoided mergers and dint cut out people.
 Picture of a tsunami flooding a road after the Japan earthquake
This picture shows the strong waves that hit japan and caused a tsunami it makes me feel scared to be there.
Depth is shown by the waves they keep going and going. They dont have any merger because they are not cutting down any people.
Picture of a photo album partly buried in mud in Japan
All the memories people had in pictures and valuable items are now gone because of the tsunami destruction. Symmetry and patterns because there is wood i the background except in the left bottom corner there is a book it breaks the pattern. There is also a calm background that doesnt overpower the picture. The book also frames the picture.

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