Wednesday, November 9, 2011

American Soldier

2A. The most powerful image in the slideshow i think is the one that has a shirt that says "Kristen" and "I Love You , Come Back To Me ! "
2B. The sequence of photos that is most powerful is "life in Iraq" because it showstheir life and what they do.
2C. The images work together to tell a story by showing you their different sequence they go through.
3A.Present tense.
3B. The captions tells you what is happening to the picture or the meaning.
4. Chapter 7 picture 9.
Robert is eating when his teams gets called for a mission he runs to see what is going on.

5A. they get to talk about how he feels and stuff.
5B. Videos give you more the emotions they feel .
5C. Photos give you beter image of what they go threw.

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