Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Newspaper Notes

There is two types of newspapers.
Broad sheet is the big newspaper .
Tabloid newspaper is the small one.
To be a story it has to have a by line.
Average number of stories in broad sheet newspaper is 3-5.
On tabloid it is 1-2 stories.
News value is the most important story.
Two elements  on the top the name of the newspaper (flag) and a teaser.
Teasers do not have to have photos they can just be words.
The folio has three things that appear on it the Location,date,A motto .
Some newspapers have the prize of the newspaper.
A good front page should have a headline.
The headline should be written from the first paragraph and it should be interesting.
Sub headline tells more about the story it comes from the additional paragraphs.
You should have at least one sub headline on every page.
By-line tells you who wrote it and their positon.
The story is next. Pages should have pictures and you should have a dominate photo.
Their should be caption with the photo.
Caption head , Photo by, and actual caption .
Captions should answer the 5 W. who, what,when,why,where,how.
Rule is 2 sentences but mainly it should be 4 to take up space.
If you need to write more caption it should be background info or quotes.
Info graphics are to do more info in graphic form. Additonal info that are not available in the story.
Three pieces in the box are table contents, volume # , Issue #.
The mast head is the staff box.
Three things are the organizations , Editorial policy and the Staff.

Front pages of the world

1. I liked the one that was in New york because it looks like a magazine cover with a big picture and headlines.
2. My favorite headline is one that says it will take you inside the oscars parties.
3. There is two stories in the front page.
4. All the newspapers have at least one picture and headlines about a story.
5. Some newspapers have more pictures and text others look like magazine covers big pictures and just headlines to a story.